Life is chaotic for most of us. Maybe it’s time to take it down a notch and live more simply.
Do you ever remember a time in your life when you didn’t have a million things to do? I do, but it was such a long long time ago. Maybe it was when you were a kid, riding your bike outside or climbing trees, playing with your friends until the street lights came on or your Mom called you in for supper. Or perhaps it was when you were newly married, no kids to raise, just you and your partner living the high life… traveling on the spur of the moment, dinner and drinks every weekend. Do you ever find yourself wanting to live more simply again?
If you really want to live more simply, start by making some small changes.
I’m not saying you can regain that ease of your childhood or youth, but there are some small changes you can make that will help if you want to live more mindfully.
The first thing to try to remember is that nobody has a perfect life. Just because you see it on social media, doesn’t make it true! I call BS! Everyone is dealing with their own crap, but I digress. This is about not about them.
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How Do I Begin To Live More Simply?
1. Start Decluttering
Try taking baby steps towards a goal if it seems overwhelming. Take for example decluttering. This is a huge trending topic right now, thanks to Japanese sensation Marie Kondo, author of Spark Joy.
And truthfully, decluttering is a great way to help simplify your life. But you may look around your house and feel completely overwhelmed and shudder at the thought. Where do I even begin???
You just begin.
It’s that simple really.
That’s all. Get rid of some stuff, just some. Pitch it. If the thought of tackling your whole house at once is too daunting, scale it back. Start with one room. Still too much? One area of a room. One dresser, one cabinet, even one drawer.
We all have that Junk Drawer! You know, the one we need for all our JUNK. I actually use dividers in my junk drawer now. It’s such a simple decluttering hack but it honestly has been a real game changer as far as organization!
Choose the one thing that bugs you the most and that’s where you start. That’s it. Whether it be that junk drawer, the laundry room shelves, the kids’ toys and books or the bathroom cabinet, you choose which is your priority. Rome wasn’t built in a day!
Breaking down what seems like a humongous task into smaller chunks will just allow you to get it done at your own pace. Whatever you can manage on that specific day, is a success! We all have time constraints, and we all feel like we have to be Superman, or Supermom or Dad ALL THE TIME.
The last time I checked, there are still only 24 hours in a day. My time to get stuff done personally is during naptime but my son is 2 1/2 now and some days, the nap just does not happen! I have just learned to go with the flow.
So give yourself a break, and do your best! Just getting a start on going through your “stuff” will give you a sense of accomplishment and help you sleep easier. When you want to live more simply, even the smallest step is a step towards your goal.
How To Be Ruthless When Decluttering Clothes
2. Try Meditation To Live More Simply
Now don’t get all scared of that word. If that sounds a bit too “wu wu” for you and you’d rather just call it resting, that will work fine. Just turn off everything…the TV, the phone, the computer and just chill. Put on some high-frequency meditation music (YouTube has a ton of these), or some soothing ocean sounds or wind chimes.
Maybe you’re thinking, I don’t have time for that! Well, my friend, you must carve out the time to take care of yourself. Take your “me time” seriously.
A little mental health break of even 20 or 30 minutes can work wonders to recharge your battery.
Just pop some essential oils like lavender, sandalwood or myrrh in a diffuser, lie down and get comfortable. Focus on your breath while breathing deeply and slowly. Feel your lungs filling up with that wonderful oxygen that is your life. Let your mind wander a little, but if you are thinking of your to-do list, put it away. When you get distracted just return to your breath and focus on that.
Just be in that moment and remember that you are doing it to renew your body, mind, and spirit. No one else is going to do it for you and it can make a difference each and every day! Please take the time to nurture yourself. For me, it makes a better me, and that means a better mom and wife. It’s a win-win.
3. Get Out In Nature
There is something about being outdoors that is so refreshing to the soul! If you have access to a great walking trail or woodland park where you live even better. If you live in the city and it is a little drive to get there, so be it! Roll down the windows, crank up the tunes and make the drive!
However, when you get to your destination and begin your nature walk, it’s time to unplug from tech! Of course, keep your phone with you in case of an emergency but just silence it. No tunes, no headphones, just nature. Listen to the birds sing, the sound of a running river, a dog barking in the distance, crickets chirping. You’ll be amazed at how nature sounds can act as a natural stress-reducer.
New Moms out there this is especially great for you! Bundle up your little one in the stroller and away you go. I walked almost every day with my son when he was an infant, and I so enjoyed it. It doesn’t have to be a “workout” walk, but if you make it one that’s just a bonus!
Basically, just unplug, be present, and soak up Mother Nature. I can guarantee you won’t regret it.

4. Stop Multitasking ALL THE TIME (and stop trying to be perfect)
This is a toughie for me, and to be honest I work on it daily. I like to call myself a work in progress, but aren’t we all??
For example, right now, I have laundry and dishes to do, a front room full of toys to pick up and probably a crapload more responsibilities but I am writing. Do you want to know why? I told myself, that if my son decided to nap today, I am writing. It was my priority for today (if time allowed). Luckily time allowed.
The other stuff will be waiting for me when I get to it and the house isn’t going to cave in if it stays messy a little longer.
We Moms especially have to wear so many hats, and I know for efficiency’s sake, sometimes multitasking is the way we must go. I’m just saying it doesn’t have to be all the time. You run a huge risk of BURN OUT if you are forever burning the candle at both ends.
Focus on what you are doing and do it the best you can! If there are too many things on your plate at once, you will do a half-assed job at them all.
5. Be Grateful and Be Present

Remember that the most important things in your life aren’t things at all.
They’re your people, your tribe, whatever you want to call them. Be grateful for what you have. Be present in their company. Put the phone away, stop scrolling all the time.
Maybe just have a conversation about …gee, I don’t know… the weather, current events, some fun memories you have, where you are hoping to take your next vacation, or some great new restaurant you want to try? Anything really. It seems that conversation is a lost art these days and that’s sad.
Have some family fun without the electronics involved. Our extended family is really big on board games or other whacky activities at big family functions, and seriously there is never a dull moment. In other words, our family is big and loud, maybe even a tad obnoxious at times. but that’s our tribe.
Listen, you and I both know that there will always be a million things on your to-do list. Just be sure that stepping back, taking a deep breath, and simplifying some of your chaos is on that list!
Now is the time for you to begin to live more simply because life goes by in the blink of an eye. You don’t want to miss too much of it.
Until next time, K.

Kelly is the founder and creative force behind Just Our View From Here. As a first-time mom over 40, she brings a fresh perspective to parenting and family life on her blog. Kelly also explores a wide range of lifestyle topics in her writing, including fashion, beauty, self-care, and well-being.
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