When it comes to potty training and preparing for potty training, there’s no shortage of methods to look at. Some people start really early, some put it off and hope it just sort of happens, some just wing it. We read books.
Our little boy is 3 months shy of his third birthday and was really showing some good signs of readiness regarding potty training, but we haven’t been too consistent with him and it has sort of backslid, my bad.
So we decided to read the book Oh Crap! Potty Training: Everything Modern Parents Need to Know to Do It Once and Do It Right by Jamie Glowacki to potty train our son.
One thing Glowacki states is that the closer your toddler is to age 3, the harder it will be and after 3? Nightmarish. So we’ll see…
Preparing For Potty Training-Oh Crap!

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But I was waiting for the warmer weather, which seems to be late to arrive this spring. OH CRAP! I am hoping I didn’t miss my window! Can potty training be done in a few days? I am anxious to find out! I best have my mop and bucket at the ready!
Want to skip ahead and see how it went for us? Check out:
Oh Crap Potty Training Method Pt.2.
Oh Crap Potty Training Pt.3: Our Experience
So here we are, T minus 24 (or so) hours from what we’ve been calling The Potty Party, keep in mind our theme song set to a conga line beat- “Pee Pee On Da Potty, Pee Pee On Da Potty”… I downloaded the Oh Crap Book on Kindle and have been studying it for the last few days.
The number one thing I am taking with me on this little journey is the line from Yoda she uses. “Do or do not do. There is no try.” In other words, no turning back now. She also says to take away from the book what works for you and your child! We aren’t made from cookie cutters and neither are they!
Use whatever part of Oh Crap potty training that suits your needs is what Glowacki says so… Today I will head out to get some supplies, make a new potty sticker chart just for fun, and some treats. Now while this book doesn’t recommend treats (or let’s call it what it is-bribery), I’m not above it in certain circumstances.
Updated to add: We did NOT do daytime and nighttime potty training at the same time, but eventually we got it done. For us, it happened at age 4 years and 2 months.
You may also like: Nightime Potty Training: should you wake your child to pee at night?
Preparing For Potty Training Supplies
- Fun Stickers
- Sticker Chart. We just used good old bristol board and magic marker. It doesn’t have to be anything too fancy!
- Whatever small toys your child likes to occupy him if he has to sit on the potty for a bit.
- Potty Books. We love The Potty Book For Boys by Alyssa Satin Capucilli. She also has The Potty Book For Girls.
- Jellybeans, M and M’s or Skittles (call it bribery or incentive…I’m not above it.)
- Lysol Wipes
- Greenworks All Purpose Cleaner
- Potty Chair or a Potty seat to go on top of the regular toilet (we are using both)
- Regular Baby Wipes (Hit Costco and stock up!))
- Flushable Wipes
- Cute Toddler underwear for later. We picked up these cute Cars characters underwear and training pants for Bug. (Let them pick their own out if they’re into it. Mine didn’t really care lol)
- Old towels or diaper change pads for furniture
- Pull-Ups or Training Underwear (if you’re that brave) for naps and bedtime (We are going to tell him they are called Big Boy nighttime underwear or nap underwear)
- Patience, lots and lots of patience.
Want the complete potty training essentials checklist? Here you go!
Until next time, K.

Kelly is the founder and creative force behind Just Our View From Here. As a first-time mom over 40, she brings a fresh perspective to parenting and family life on her blog. Kelly also explores a wide range of lifestyle topics in her writing, including fashion, beauty, self-care, and well-being.
Want to see how it went? Check out Potty Training Pt. 2 HERE!
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