We are 2 months into this method and I thought I would give an update on how our experience with Oh Crap potty training has been. I’ve heard some moms say they threw in the towel during Block 2, but are going to revisit it in a couple of months.
And still others say they thought Jamie Glowacki came across as “snarky”. I didn’t find her writing to be snarky personally, just comical. Also, she’s potty trained hundreds of kids so I’ll take a bit of cheek if that’s what it’s being called.
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Is Oh Crap Potty Training Done In 3 Days?
Here’s the thing… Oh Crap is not the “3- day potty training” method that you see everywhere online these days and think to yourself…How the HELL is that even possible??? Does that mean your kid is 100% potty trained in just 3 days?
I seriously doubt that most toddlers can be completely potty trained in only 3 days. That is a pretty big claim imho. Not saying it is impossible, but the timing of it would have to be absolutely perfect. So if you try a 3 day method and it doesn’t go well, please don’t feel like you failed.
But (and here’s the good news), the brunt of the work can be done 3 days. And I think that’s what it really is that Glowacki is emphasizing. You can handle 3 days of really focusing on this right?? Of course, you can! The Oh Crap potty training method is actually NOT a 3-day potty training method! Hooray!!!
Oh Crap potty training is done in blocks or stages and you might be in Block 1 for 3 days. You might be in Block 2 after one day like we were. BUT EVERY KID IS GOING TO BE DIFFERENT!!!
Notably, every situation is going to be unique but you’ll figure your child out as you go. You will learn his or her signals. From this method, take the stuff that works for you and your family when potty training and run with it!
Just get the book. I’m telling you… Mom to Mom. Or Mom to Dad. Or Mom to Gramma or Grampa..whoever you are if you are the one looking to potty train! I’m here to tell you, you’ve got this! It worked for us and it can work for you too.
Also, she’s funny as hell. I recently found her podcast and am loving it. She’s like that girlfriend who has a bit of a foul mouth but cracks you up anyway and you love her for it.
Everything she recommended as far as going commando the first block and COMMITTING TO IT 100% really just worked for us. Overall, it wasn’t the horrible daunting task I was anticipating it to be. And to be quite honest, it worked like a charm.
Just Go For It!
So, if you are procrastinating like we were…a little fearful of starting, just do it. Go get yourself a little potty, or padded toilet seat, stock up on the all-purpose cleaner and the paper towels and BOOM! Dive right in. You can do this!
Soon enough your little guy or gal will be running around in those cute little superhero or princess underwear saying “YAY I DID IT!”. There is nothing quite like watching your kid learning a new skill and acting as proud as a peacock!
Honestly, guys, I wholeheartedly recommend this book and this method.
I love the style of it. I love the no-nonsense way it works.
The fact is that Glowacki doesn’t claim that the Oh Crap method works in 3 days. There’s no magic number. Just follow your child’s cues, and watch him or her like a hawk! I know it’s difficult to believe that there will come a day where the first thing you think about in the morning isn’t pee and poop.
But that day will arrive, I promise.
Yes, There Will Be Some Potty Accidents (expect them and roll with the punches)
In our case, within a few days (like under a week) the hard work was over. He didn’t have any accidents out on our little tester road trips, shockingly enough. His accidents were always at home when he was focused on playing or as soon as one of us dropped the ball and got a little lax with the prompting.
We did put him in a Pull-up for a couple of long-distance drives, like when we went on our summer family vacation, as well as his first trip to the dentist. I didn’t want him peeing on the dentist’s chair!
How To Survive A Road Trip With A Potty-Training Toddler.
Using Pull-ups is contrary to the method but again the author herself advises to just take her recommendations and use what works for you and your family. That’s really all you do. Use it as a guideline, just commit to doing it. You WILL figure this out!
Be bold! Be brave! You will be an Oh Crap potty training guru in no time!

Commit To Potty Training 100%
Remember Glowacki’s reference to Yoda. “DO OR DO NOT. THERE IS NO TRY.” We knew that this would be the last box of diapers we would ever buy and he would wear underwear from that day on… (except for Pull-ups at nap and bedtime, not there YET!) This was happening for realz.
Could we have done it sooner? Possibly. But we did it when we did it and it worked so well. Bug caught on pretty quickly and we couldn’t be happier. There were some stressful moments, and you will have a few too I bet, but press on. You’ll get there!
We are still working on self-initiating but I’d say we are now about 95% there. He skipped the part of telling us he had to go and went straight to just going into the bathroom himself and peeing standing up. Of course, he still needs help with number two.
Don’t Stress Over Nighttime Potty Training Just Yet
We are looking forward to reading the chapter of her book that deals with nighttime potty training. However, we are not quite there yet on our timeline. Bug is a HUGE milk drinker and we need to figure out that whole “no liquids for two hours before bed” thing.
We’re going to slowly reduce the amount and stretch out the timing of his last cup of milk, and allow his little body to develop that ability to hold it all night. When he starts waking up dry at least 90% of the time, we’ll go for it. It is more important, I think to get the day-time potty training completely done first.
Updated to add: Nighttime potty training was successful for us when our son hit the age of 4 years 2 months. If you are choosing to do daytime and nighttime separate as we did, you may also like:
Nighttime Potty Training: Should you wake your child to pee at night or not?
Final Thoughts On Oh Crap Potty Training
So in conclusion, if you are thinking of trying the Oh Crap potty training method, go for it! Read this book, it’s worth looking at! Or check out Glowacki’s podcast “Oh Crap I Love My Toddler But… Holy F*ck”. (Warning: don’t listen if you have sensitive ears). I’m not easily offended so I just love her no-nonsense, straightforward attitude and the way she comes across.
It’s like having that girlfriend over for coffee or a glass of wine. You know, the one who is a straight shooter and doesn’t sugarcoat anything. Her style is a little “Hippie Dippy” as she calls it and that’s right up my alley. She covers a wide range of topics on parenting and is super entertaining to listen to.

Set Your Child Up For Potty Training Success With Knowledge
We are all only human… we’re all just figuring it out and none of us are perfect. Our kids aren’t perfect and neither are we. We all deal with big emotions and are trying to figure it all out as we go. We are the ones that teach our children how to do everything at this stage!
Potty training is just one of those times in parenting where you take the lead and teach them. Yes, something will need to “CLICK”, and they will figure it out when they’re ready but we as parents need to provide them the tools in their little baby toolkits.
Knowledge is that tool and the Oh Crap book will give you knowledge.
So, we are 9 weeks deep in this potty training stuff now and we are finally Killin’ It! He goes into the bathroom by himself now, asks to go the bathroom when we are out and about, and has been accident-free for I’d say around 3 weeks now! And happy to report that we don’t walk around with potty training on the brain every waking moment!
I was so dreading it guys, I really was and it’s already fading from my memory (except for the Poo-poo Picasso episode… which ended up happening three times total. (WHOOPS!) I guess he has an artistic side like his Mom, what can I say? Live and learn, and live some more and keep learning.
Are you planning on using the Oh Crap potty training method? I’d love to hear your thoughts on it!
Best of luck and keep your chin up because this too shall pass!
For more tips and info on the Oh Crap method see:
PT 1 (Preparing for Oh Crap Potty Training) OR PT 2 (Oh Crap Potty Training Cheat Sheet).
Until next time, K.

Kelly is the founder and creative force behind Just Our View From Here. As a first-time mom over 40, she brings a fresh perspective to parenting and family life on her blog. Kelly also explores a wide range of lifestyle topics in her writing, including fashion, beauty, self-care, and well-being.
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