It Seems Like Only Yesterday
Our beautiful son came into the world on August 27, 2016, raring to go. Here is my natural birth story. I hope by sharing it it can be a source of inspiration for other expectant moms who are thinking of skipping the epidural.
To this day I still can’t believe that I did it. Everyone thought I was a lunatic to even try and to be honest, I wasn’t really sure I would be able to push through. I was a tad fearful regarding the epidural actually, so I thought I would try to have as natural a birth as I could manage. To my sheer amazement, I actually did it!

Yes, Every Birth Is A Natural Birth!
Before we dive in, I AM of the opinion that ALL births are natural in their own way. I’m choosing the word natural in my case to mean without an epidural or pain management meds. I was however induced, with Pitocin due to me being an IVF patient and 5 days shy of 40 weeks.
My doctor always induces at 40 weeks as there is a chance of the placenta deteriorating at this stage for IVF pregnancies. The other reason for my being induced was my so-called advanced maternal age… I delivered at age 46, so ok yes, I guess that is a little advanced.
I had an induction at the hospital and when the active labor began, it was fast and furious, just like my OB had warned.
Truth be told, I did say yes to the laughing gas to take the edge off but when they wheeled in the tank, someone from the previous shift had forgotten to refill it.
Apparently, this was not meant to be! By the time I asked for the gas again, my delivery nurse said,” Nope it’s too late now, won’t do you any good”. Great, just great, I thought.
Damn You Gale!!
My contractions were on top of each other, and I tried my best to focus on my breathing and to listen to the nurses’ instructions.
By this point, they had completely turned off the Pitocin drip, as my body had taken over. I was about to throw in the towel and request the epidural, thinking I was stuck at 4 cm when they told me I was at 7. I remember my friend Gale, a mother of three, telling me, “Kelly…If you can make it to 7, you can do it!!”
What can I say, I’m stubborn. I was so close now!
It was like running a marathon and finally seeing the finish line. Pushing was a relief, and the “Ring of Fire” wasn’t nearly as bad as I had imagined. That part was just a fleeting moment, actually. The adrenaline kicked in and when I finally felt his head and shoulders release, the relief was instantaneous, and the joy…immeasurable.
All in all, my labor was 7 hours, the first 4 not so bad, and the last 3 pretty freaking intense. Ok, I’ll admit it, when I wasn’t sobbing and praying for it to be over, I was screaming and swearing like a sailor.
I am by no means telling you that it will be easy. But you know what?
It’s true what most Mothers say, you forget how much it hurts. The reward of holding your sweet child is worth every ounce of pain.
It’s crazy but it’s true.

So, if you are thinking of having an unmedicated birth, don’t worry about what anyone else thinks or says. You always have a choice, and you can try, let them call you a lunatic! You could have your own natural birth story to tell one day.
Fortunately, the way it worked out for us, my birth plan came to fruition. But, I was this close to asking for the epidural, honestly.
And if you can’t bear the pain and you change your mind, it doesn’t mean a darn thing. And don’t you dare feel disappointed in yourself! Because your beautiful baby will have arrived safely, and that’s all that really matters in the end.
Peace, K.

Kelly is the founder and creative force behind Just Our View From Here. As a first-time mom over 40, she brings a fresh perspective to parenting and family life on her blog. Kelly also explores a wide range of lifestyle topics in her writing, including fashion, beauty, self-care, and well-being.
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Yes, you were right, Kelly. We do have a lot in common. I managed to have natural childbirths and am a strong believe that women are much more capable of doing this birthing thing than medical practitioners sometimes give us credit for. It’s a remarkable experience for both moms and babies.
I’m looking forward to checking out more of your posts and will be pinning and linking to you in the future.
Thanks Carla! I’ll be doing the same. 😊