This is the letter to our son we wrote when I was 7 and 1/2 months pregnant, and I’m so glad we did. I think going forward it will be a great idea to write one every year. Time is fleeting and the memory can sometimes fade of how if feels to be in a particular moment in time. You don’t have to be a great writer or a writer at all! Just say what’s in your heart. I promise that when you go back and read it later, your heart will be full!

Hello my little love,
Each day that dawns brings us closer and closer to meeting you. Your Dad and I couldn’t be more excited! I wonder what you are thinking about during your waking hours in your happy cocoon inside me? The baby books all say you are already dreaming…dream big my love and the world is your oyster! I hope you are enjoying the music I have been playing you, the books we are reading and our yoga and meditation sessions. I’m doing my best to stay calm about the whole thing, although to be honest, Mommy is a bit nervous about your big debut day! 6 weeks to go!
Well, not so much nervous as excited I suppose…I know you are going to be a good boy and cooperate with me that day to make everything go as smooth as smooth peanut butter (which I have been eating a lot of by the way, and you seem to really like it!) I feel you move inside me and every time it still seems utterly amazing to me that you really exist…the universe and God have blessed us with you, the child we were meant to have, the child whose soul chose us to be his parents.
It’s mind-boggling to me still, and every morning all I can do is whisper Thank You. Thank You for choosing me and your Dad. Thank You for being healthy and growing on track. Thank You for changing our lives forever and bring us closer together to embark on a new adventure! We are both beyond grateful.
Daddy especially can’t wait to take you on a million adventures…fishing, camping, teaching you how to play sports and games. Whatever it is under the big starry sky you would like to learn, we will teach you. Like I said, my little love, the sky is the limit! We can’t wait to hold you in our arms and look into your beautiful angel face. We already hold you in our hearts and have from the moment you were conceived.
I can already say with no uncertainty that you were worth the wait.
We love you so much already,
Mommy and Daddy xx
Related: Getting Pregnant Through IVF at 46