Welcome to Just Our View From Here. We are Kelly & Mark and here’s our story.

My name is Kelly and I am a not-so-typical Mom to a VERY typical toddler! Not so typical in the fact that I had my first and only baby at the ripe old age of 46. My husband Mark and I met in our 40s and began to pursue our dream of starting a family. Through the miracle of modern science, combined with a bit of luck and a lot of faith, we were able to experience the joy of pregnancy and childbirth!
Well, ok, the actual labor was not too joyous, let’s just be honest. However, the end result, our miracle boy, The Bug, has shown us what true love really means. He is the greatest gift in our lives.

I never thought I would have a child. It’s not that I didn’t want one but I was in a relationship prior to this where it just did not happen, and that was ok…or so I thought at the time. But life changes, sometimes it goes in a direction you never in a million years could foresee. Following a whirlwind of crazy changes in my early forties, I entered this new relationship. We both wanted to start a family and we knew the clock was ticking. So, after trying the old-fashioned way for a bit, we decided to pursue infertility treatments. Fortunately, it worked. Not on the first try mind you….it took SEVERAL attempts.
Artist Turned Writer Turned Back To Artist Again
Since childhood, I have always loved creating art. Drawing, painting, pottery, photography…I love all of it. A few years ago, I decided to pick up the paintbrush again and started with a few canvases. They were mainly for me as a type of art therapy and relaxation. Mark owned a small craft winemaking business at the time so we displayed some of my pieces in the shop and to my surprise, a few sold! I was pleasantly surprised by that and it gave me the encouragement to paint more.
My next idea (ok, actually it was Mark’s idea haha) was to try my hand at painting wine glasses and other glassware. This project sort of took on a life of its own and Luna Selene Creations was born. You can check out my artwork and glass designs on Facebook or Instagram. I also recently joined Zazzle as a contributing artist and am excited about all the cool artsy products they have to offer! Here is my affiliate link for Zazzle if you’d like to have a gander. Last but not least, I just started a small YouTube art channel that is just for fun doing tutorials.
Just like painting, writing is something I have always loved and I find it very therapeutic. One of my main missions for writing about infertility and being an older mom is to encourage anyone struggling with infertility. To give some hope and positive inspiration. If I can help just one person by sharing our story my mission will not be in vain.
Yes, I write about being an older mom (IVF, pregnancy, and beyond) because that’s what has been my life experience. But, you’ll also find posts geared towards life with toddlers and preschoolers (I especially like writing about early literacy and kids’ book recommendations!), positive parenting, household tips, essential oils, and well-being with a sprinkle of healthy mind, body, and spirit.
So, really, Just Our View From Here is not strictly a “mom blog” or just for the 40+ crowd. I suppose it’s a bit of a hodge podge but that’s my style. It covers many mommy topics but also focuses on lifestyle topics, self-care, and wellness. I write to explore ideas about mindfulness, gratitude and listening to that inner voice we all have to find joy (especially on those days when it’s hard). I hope to inspire, uplift, and encourage women to follow their hearts on their own unique journeys.
The journey may not always be easy, but there is always joy to be found.

Now I find myself as a work-at-home Mom who basically reinvented herself at 42, after working for YEARS in the service industry as a server and bartender. It was quite the transition as I travelled the long and winding road. When I heard my hubby say those magic words, “You don’t have to go back to work”, I was very happy and grateful! I found my way back to my artistic roots and began this journey.
It often makes me think of that story about the caterpillar and the butterfly. The one that says something like…just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly. Now I know, without a doubt… that it is never too late to follow any dream or to change the path you’re on.
Life is short so, root yourself in love and do what brings you joy!

Mark is now a full-time truck driver and he works very long days to provide for our little family. He is an amazing Dad and husband, and I am so appreciative. We found each other a bit later in life, and we are determined to make the rest of our life the best of our life!
If you’ve gotten this far, thanks for reading! We’d love to hear from you so please feel free to comment on any post that piques your interest or shoot us a message! It’s just our view from here, finding joy on the journey and hoping you’ll find yours too.
Thanks so much for stopping by! Kelly and Mark

Kelly is the founder & creative force behind Just Our View From Here. As a first-time mom over 40, she brings a fresh perspective to parenting and family life on her blog. Kelly also explores a wide range of lifestyle topics in her writing, including fashion, beauty, self-care, and wellbeing. When she’s not writing, she’s wearing her other creative hat on her YouTube art channel, Luna Selene Creations, doing glass painting tutorials, and kid-friendly arts and crafts projects.