IVF At 46 Success Story: The Cycle That Finally Worked (And What We Did Differently)
I am sharing my success story to bring hope & inspiration to other women. I got pregnant at 45 with donor embryos & delivered my IVF baby at 46.
When we began our IVF journey, I scoured the internet for any and all type of IVF Over 40 success story that I could find. My husband Mark and I were age 40 and 43, respectively and we knew that time wasn’t on our side.
Of course, as I googled furiously, many of the results that popped up were all about how slim the odds would be, risks of advanced maternal age and blah blah blah…
Me being me though, I chose to focus on the positive experiences. I found tales from other couples similar to us, who had written about it. Each one sharing their unique IVF over 40 success story.

By focusing on the positive, we were able to hang on to hope at an uncertain time in our lives. And to know that we weren’t alone on this journey of IVF, which can sometimes feel very isolating, was comforting.
It was our last-ditch effort, last kick at the can, the final curtain call. You get the gist. We are blessed to now be able to share our journey and what we did differently on our successful cycle.
Some days it’s still even hard for me to believe that it’s real.
And before we dive in, I will mention the fact that I am NOT a doctor or an infertility specialist. This post is not intended to be taken as medical advice or to provide a guarantee of IVF success.
ALWAYS consult your doctor, OB or RE with your fertility questions.
Also worth noting is that we did a FET (frozen embryo transfer), not a fresh cycle. Everything I did was simply to prepare my body to welcome the previously frozen embryos, as opposed to improving egg quality. Although many of these tips could be used for that as well.
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Find A Great Doctor
We were fortunate enough to have an amazing doctor with an equally incredible team of nurses and staff who were by our side every step of the way. Dr. Rahi Victory is one of the best RE’s on the planet and I would be remiss if I didn’t mention him here.
His expertise and dedication to his patients is unbelievable. I truly believe that without him, we would not have our son and I would not be writing this IVF over 40 success story. He never gave up on me, and we can never thank him enough for that.
You can check out his website here, and follow him on social media. Dr. V is always willing to answer any questions you may have about your fertility journey.
I am simply a regular gal, who just happens to be over 40. A former IVF patient who’s been there, done that and got the T-shirt. But maybe, just maybe, something we did could be relevant and helpful to you and provide hope on your IVF journey.

Pregnant at 45 with Embryo Donation: The Greatest Gift
In the spirit of true transparency, I must mention that our successful cycle was achieved with donor embryos, as my own eggs were unsuccessful in previous attempts.
A gift beyond measure, we can honestly never thank our donors enough for their selflessness. Without their genuine act of love, this life that is our little boy would never have come to be.
I was 45 when we began our final IVF cycle and 46 when I had my son but our egg donor mom was 35 at the time of retrieval, That is still technically considered advanced maternal age.
Granted, the embryos used for our frozen transfer were from a donor under age 40, but I, the vessel that we hoped and prayed would be able to achieve and sustain this pregnancy, was in my mid-forties.

Our IVF Over 40 Success Story: 4 Main Elements
I’m going to touch on nutrition, vitamins and supplements, stress reduction and the protocol my doctor designed for our cycle that finally worked.
Are there certain foods that can help you to write your own IVF success story after 40?
I made some pretty significant dietary changes in the months leading up to embryo transfer especially the last 4 weeks. I focused on whole foods, rich in vitamins and antioxidants that help fight free radicals in the body.
This is a healthy way of eating for everyone really, but especially beneficial when you are preparing your body for fertility treatments.
Try to stick with a Mediterranean diet as closely as you can
Choose dark leafy greens, vegetables and fruits, whole grains (quinoa, farro, whole grain pasta), eggs, legumes, beans, fish* (or fish oil supplements if you’re not a fish lover) and nuts. Use extra virgin olive oil for cooking and making your own fresh salad dressing.
*A word on fish. Avoid high mercury fish such as king mackerel, marlin, orange roughy, shark, swordfish, and ahi tuna.
In addition to your green vegetables, add in sprouts and wheatgrass which are bursting with nutrients. I found tossing them in a salad or a veggie wrap was a nice addition.

Don’t forget to drink your water
Drink lots and LOTS of water! H20 plays a major role in transporting hormones efficiently in your body and developing your follicles.
My naturopath recommends eating lots of warm and hot foods for women TTC. Think hearty veggie stews, broths, soups and the like. Avoid ice-cold drinks and frozen treats such as ice cream and frozen yogurt. I did eat raw veggies but not ice cold right out of the fridge.
This theory is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and follows the idea that cold foods are harder for the body to digest. So blood and energy are taken from the uterus in order to help with digestion. Makes sense to me.
The last 4 weeks before transfer I cut out dairy, wheat and red meat, also recommended by my naturopath, which can cause inflammation in the body.
From the time of conception all the way through to breastfeeding, your nutrition is the nutrition of the baby. It’s really as simple as that.
Every food you choose to eat is not only feeding your body but preparing it for your baby. Do your best! I didn’t follow everything perfectly, because geeesh, no one is perfect but I did my best to stick with this way of eating.
My IVF Journal
This beautiful 6X9″ softcover journal is sprinkled with inspirational quote headings (14 unique quotes in all) for encouragement on your fertility journey.
There is plenty of blank space for writing whatever your heart is feeling, followed by sections for practical/ medical info as you go through your cycle.
Amazing Avocados
Avocados are a unique, amazing source of many of the nutrients pregnant women need, such as folate, potassium, fiber, and antioxidants.
They also don’t contain anything harmful like sugar, saturated fats or sodium. One of my personal favorites, this one was easy for me!
A joint study by the University of California, The Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Ohio State University and McMaster University concluded that maternal nutrition plays a critical role in influencing fetal growth as well as birth outcomes.
Basically, they concluded that avocados are great for fertility!
The study found that avocados “fit within the guidelines for a Mediterranean-style diet, i.e., they contain MUFA (Monounsaturated fatty acids), fiber, antioxidants, and are low-glycemic), which is known to be beneficial for disease reduction in most populations including pregnant and lactating populations.”
Keep them on hand all the time as a staple of your diet. I love guacamole but my husband can’t stand it, so I understand if you’re not a huge fan.
Get Sneaky
Sneak it onto a sandwich as a spread instead of mayo, or make an avocado and yogurt-based salad dressing in place of a commercial bottled brand. Or slice them up into small pieces and add right to your salad.
When mixed in with everything else, you may not even know they are there! Or if you’re like me and love avocado just mash one up with a banana and spread on whole-grain toast. YUM!
Have you heard that beets are a super-food? Well, it may be true that there is no ONE food that can do everything, but these guys are pretty high on my list of super-foods. Beets are amazingly healthy and are a great food to eat before your IVF treatment.
Want a blood builder and something to increase your circulation? Beets all the way. They contain extremely high levels of iron (aids with development of red blood cells) and nitrate (converts to nitric oxide and increases blood flow.)
Not to mention they are teeming with folate/folic acid which is oh so important for pre-pregnancy and pregnancy, as it prevents a wide variety of birth defects.
I always had issues with my uterine lining being on the thin side, so I figured beets were a must-have on my menu. My favorite was to slice them on top of a spring mix salad with a little goat cheese.
I got into juicing pretty heavily when TTC too, so it wasn’t uncommon to open my fridge and see a huge pitcher of “Beetaritas” in there. Juicing is an excellent way to get a mega-dose of vitamins in one glass.
If you decide to try juicing, definitely through in some apples, pears and lemon with the beets. Don’t forget to wear old clothes, and clean as you go. Yes, they stain like crazy.
Nuts About Nuts
Think His AND Her for Nuts~
These little beauties are packed with nutrients that can also help with sperm health — such as selenium, zinc, folate, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants like vitamin E.
- Walnuts
- Brazil Nuts
- Almonds
- Macadamia Nuts
- Hazelnuts
Walnuts are unique in that they are the only nuts that contain the omega-3 called alpha-linolenic acid. They also contain magnesium, which helps in producing progesterone and increasing blood supply to the uterus, which are both so important for your IVF cycle.
Walnuts were my go-to, it helped that I love them but they are the leader of the pack in my eyes.
Specifically, pomegranate juice increases blood flow to the uterus and promotes a healthy lining. It is also loaded with antioxidants that help prevent the formation of free radicals.
In some pregnancies, elevated oxidative stress has been shown to contribute to problems with the placenta, which often leads to preeclampsia (high blood pressure).
Eggs are an excellent source of lean protein and B-vitamins, which are important for fertility. They also contain choline, which may reduce the risk of some birth defects.
So whip up an omelet each morning with your favorite veggies. Quick, easy and inexpensive, eggs are a great fertility food for both you and your partner.
Fish such as salmon (choose wild if you can), sardines, herring, and other types of fatty fish are loaded with fertility-boosting benefits, due to the high levels of omega-3 fatty acids they contain.
Can’t stomach fish? Go for a high-quality fish oil supplement. There are even some out there that don’t give the nasty aftertaste or the fishy burp factor.
Pineapples are a hot topic of hopeful discussion in fertility forums. Patients tell each other that eating pineapple, (in particular, the core) on an empty stomach the day of your embryo transfer can help you get pregnant.
Pineapple for Implantation: Myth or fact?
Well, pineapple does contain bromelain, an enzyme that may decrease inflammation in the body but there’s no scientific evidence to support pineapple as the magic bullet for IVF.
“There’s no evidence in the literature that says consuming pineapple prior to an embryo transfer will improve implantation,” said Dr. Tomer Singer, a reproductive endocrinologist at Shady Grove Fertility.
I’ll admit, I did try it in all my cycles (even the failed ones), so I’m more on the side of it being an urban legend.
Plus, pineapple core can be gritty and hard to digest which can lead to a rumbly tummy. And really, the last thing you need on transfer day is an upset stomach.

Related: 5 Things I Learned Going Through IVF
After digging around online and gleaning information from reliable sources, these are the supplements I chose to take and that I believe helped with our IVF over 40 success.
Royal Jelly~ Royal Jelly contains a variety of essential nutrients, and is made by honey bees to nourish the queen bee and aid in her fertility. I took the one that is mixed in honey and added a teaspoon to my tea or hot water.
If I was in a rush I just ate a spoonful but washed it down with a glass of warm water because it is SO sweet. Obviously, if you are allergic to bees sit this one out.
Bee Pollen~said to have healing benefits and boost overall nutrition, another great fertility aid. It has a wide array of vitamins, minerals, proteins, amino acids, and antioxidants. Add bee pollen to your smoothies for an amazing nutritional boost.
For more info on all things bee-related, Natural Fertility Info has a super informative article which you can find here.
Vitamin E*~as recommended by Dr. Victory, I took 1000 IU of pure source vitamin E (never use synthetic) throughout my cycle and continued after I became pregnant.
It is an essential antioxidant that improves cellular health. Since I had issues with getting a thick enough uterine lining, he suggested taking vitamin E may be helpful the thicken it up enough for transfer.
*Your doctor may not want you to take vitamin E if you are including baby aspirin in your cycle. Always speak to your RE about supplements first!
Vitamin C~an immunity booster which helps with iron absorption and progesterone production. This one isn’t stored naturally in the body, so in addition to eating foods that are rich in C, I took 500 mg twice a day.
Vitamin D3~One study showed that women with vitamin D deficiencies while undergoing assisted reproduction technology (ART) had lower pregnancy rates than those with normal levels. However, don’t overdo it. I stuck with 1000 IUs of vitamin D3 per day.
L-Arginine~a naturally occurring amino acid which improves blood flow, and this includes blood flow to your uterus. Again, with my thin lining issues, I chose to add L-arganine to my daily regime. Personally I stayed on the low dosage end of the scale at 500 mg per day.
Our IVF Success Story Over 40: Stress Reduction
Yes, I know when people (well-meaning as they are) say to you when you are TTC, “Just relax, it’ll happen”. That can be infuriating. Like, No, actually…it’s really not that simple but thanks for your input.
I am NOT saying that. Infertility is a medical condition like any other that needs to be treated. BUT, in any case, it won’t help you to be stressed out and frazzled all the time. Reducing stress before, during and after your IVF cycle and embryo transfer is one of the (if not THE) most important things you can do.
The things I found that really helped me unwind were yoga, massage and, acupuncture. I also spent some time on meditation and visualization, as well as listening to a lot of zen music playlists.
Writing down your thoughts and feelings in an IVF Journal is also a great relaxation technique. I found writing to be quite cathartic for me. Just putting a pen to paper and letting what ever you are feeling on any given day flow can help you relax and let it go.
Pretty Fertility Journey & IVF Journals
Personally, nothing calms me down like yoga. I aimed to get on the mat 3-4 times a week and actually did it all the way up to around 38 weeks pregnant. Of course, in the third trimester, I had to modify and eliminate certain poses but I’m telling you it kept me sane.
If you’ve never done yoga before, have no fear. There are some wonderful online teachers who can guide even total yoga newbies and beginners through the poses. Yoga With Adriene is my absolute fave. Start slowly, but start. You may surprise yourself and fall in love with yoga.
Yoga focuses on the energy systems in the body, and the postures below will increase the blood flow and energy flow to your reproductive organs.
Here are some of the ones I found that come highly recommended for fertility.
Yoga Postures For Fertility
- Legs Up The Wall Pose
- Cobbler Pose
- Cobra Pose
- Lotus Pose
- Supported Bridge Pose
- Butterfly Pose
- Seated Forward Fold

Related: Getting Pregnant Through IVF At 46
Reducing Stress Levels
What is acupuncture all about anyway?
Honestly, I didn’t know much about it before this part of my life and had never had a treatment before but as I said, I was willing to try pretty much anything at this point.
Acupuncture by definition “involves the insertion of very thin needles through your skin at strategic points on your body.”
It is a key component of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and increasingly it is being used for overall stress management and overall wellness.
Balance Your Qi
Acupuncture is all about balancing your qi (pronounced Chee) and blood in your body. It uses the acupoints (where the needles go in) to stimulate blood flow and unblock your energy.
The best thing to do is find an acupuncturist who is versed in treating patients going through fertility treatments. There are specific points in the body and a timeline that he or she will recommend around your IVF cycle.
I had acupuncture once a week for 6 weeks, leading up to our FET, most importantly the day before the transfer and the day after.
Personally, I found it fantastic for stress relief. I walked out of there like I was walking on a cloud. Thank you oxytocin!
Similar to acupuncture, I found getting a good massage just melted the stress away. I even did a lymphatic massage which is said to help clear the body of toxicity and boost your body’s systems for proper function. Kind of like taking out the trash or a spring cleaning.
I think for me it was especially helpful before starting a fresh IVF cycle to help clear out all the medications from previous cycles. And again, sooooo relaxing. You may feel a bit woozy afterward so wait a bit and take care when driving home. Better yet, get someone to pick you up.
Meditation/Relaxation Music
I found this was something I could do often and at home to unwind and take my mind off my impending cycle. I found the Circle and Bloom IVF mind body program to be an excellent tool for visualization and relaxation.
There are also countless channels on Youtube with zen and meditation music that can help take the edge off. Just lay back with your headphones on, relax and try not to stress. I know, easier said than done, but take the time for yourself to minimize stress levels.
Let it go, give it to The Universe or God if you are of the praying persuasion and do your part to relax. Everything is not in your control but practicing self-care along the way is the one thing you can manage.
My IVF Protocol
Ie. The medical side of our treatment that led to our over 40 IVF Success Story.
So, at this point, Dr. V was like…OK, Kelly… we are going to throw everything but the kitchen sink at this cycle and see if it sticks. We were up for anything he suggested so, of course, we went along. After all, this was it. Pregnant or bust so to speak. Here’s what we did as far as the medical end of things.

ERA Test
First and most importantly (in my mind anyway), he did an endometrial receptivity array (ERA) on me. I believe having this done beforehand made all the difference.
The ERA is a test of a sample of the endometrial tissue to determine your window of receptivity. In other words, what day your womb is best prepared to receive an embryo. It’s not the most pleasant thing but, as with most things IVF, you just grin and bear it because it’s for the greater good. I remember Dr. V saying “You are going to hate me for about 10 seconds”. And yes I probably did. Lol.
But guess what?
The ERA test determined that indeed my window was in fact, late!
So when we began the next cycle, we began the progesterone in oil (PIO) 2 days earlier than what is considered “normal”. This would hopefully help ready my uterus for the arrival of these precious gifted embryos.
Back I went on the pill, so that once I stopped, we would know exactly what Cycle day 1 was. When the time came, I did Cetrotide injections 2x per day to prevent ovulation (prevents the LH surge) and started my Estrace and PIO as instructed.
Ahhh yes, the dreaded PIO shot. For a glorious 12 weeks. Pretty sure this is standard for IVF patients.
If this isn’t your first rodeo you know this one. If it is, I’m sorry. It’s a huge ass needle that goes in the top outer quadrant of your butt cheek.
There was no freaking way I could do this one myself so Mark had to do it for me (and one time our Aunt did it when he was out of town!). Some women can do it themselves. BRAVO! I am too much of a baby for that.
Little blue pills that supplied the estrogen that I needed to boost my lining. Initially, I took 3 per day orally, and later my instructions were to add 2 per day vaginally.
This was for extra support during the luteal phase to keep my lining nice and healthy for the embryo to snuggle in.
Next, I was weaned off off the Estrace and started on Prometrium, vaginally. I can’t remember exactly how long I continued with this but roughly until I was 32 weeks pregnant.
PIO, Estrace and Prometrium are all for hormonal support and to help maintain the thickness of your lining.
Even with all these things in place, I just made it to 8.5mm, but it was triple-layered and great looking (apparently, lol.)
Heparin Injections
Boy, oh boy I got to be a pro at injecting myself that year. Thank goodness, these were just tiny needles, similar to the ones that diabetics use for their insulin. In the belly, twice a day, every day until around 39 weeks.
Heparin is a blood-thinning drug that prevents blood clots, improves the blood flow to the uterus and makes a nice environment for the embryo to attach to grow.
Baby Aspirin
Dr. Victory had me on baby aspirin the whole time I was preparing for my frozen embryo transfer, and I continued to take one (81mg) a day until about 4 days before I delivered my son.
Baby aspirin is thought to improve blood flow to help with implantation and maintaining healthy blood flow and reducing clotting problems.
Intralipid Infusions
As you can see, we really were throwing the whole kitchen sink at this cycle. Why not add in one more precaution?
Just in case I had NK (natural killer) cells in my body that would literally attack the embryo, seeing it as a foreign invader, we did intralipid infusion therapy.
This one was a piece a cake though. I just had to sit there with an IV in my arm for around an hour every 6 weeks.
What IS Intralipid Infusion Therapy?
The IV contains a simple solution of soy oil, egg yolk, glycerine and water, which boosts nutrients to you and the embryo/baby. The essential fatty acids found in the ingredients help stave off the NK cells.
If you are the type of person that rarely gets ill, meaning you have a really strong immune system, this may be one for you to inquire about.
I did one treatment a few days before transfer, one 2 weeks after and then every 6 weeks until around 6 months pregnant.
Which one of these was the golden ticket?
Was there one particular course of action that brought about our IVF over 40 success story?
We will probably never know, but all I know is that we had to give it our all on this final cycle. At least then we would know that we did absolutely everything we could and gave it our best shot.
I hope that you found this information valuable and perhaps it could lead to a discussion with your own doctor to see if any part of this treatment plan would be right for you.
But mostly, I would love to give hope and encouragement to those of you trying to navigate the whole IVF thing. It is so damn hard some days!
Keep The Faith
Like I said before when it was me searching for hope, I was constantly on the lookout for stories that would make me believe in miracles and inspire me to keep the faith.
Trust me, I never in a million years thought I would be writing an IVF success story, especially at 46. We are thankful beyond all measure and know that we have been blessed with this beautiful boy of ours.
I really do believe miracles happen.

Related: Becoming A First Time Mom Over 40
A Final Thought For Those Of You Dreaming Of Your Own IVF Over 40 Success Story…
I encourage you to have strength on your journey and I hope for you to achieve your dreams of becoming a mom. It’s not an easy path by any means, and my hat is off to all of you women out there on the IVF battlefield. We are all true warriors!
From hormones and mood swings to needles and daily bloodwork, you endure so much on your quest for your baby.
Stay strong and hold on to hope on the gloomy days.
You will get through the sleepless nights from worry and the tears that stream down your cheeks.
Somehow, you will.
Keep fighting the good fight, and may your dreams come true.
Peace, Kelly

Kelly is the founder and creative force behind Just Our View From Here. As a first-time mom over 40, she brings a fresh perspective to parenting and family life on her blog. Kelly also explores a wide range of lifestyle topics in her writing, including fashion, beauty, self-care, and well-being.
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Hi Kelly,
I have just read your story and have tears streaming down my face…. what a special story and what a gift it was to read and relate to every word you wrote.
I have a beautiful baby boy through ivf and I thank God for him every single day….but my tears flow now from the fact that we just had a frozen embryo transferred (our last one of a cycle) and it wasn’t successful.
I am 42, and I too was scouring the net for positive feedback, whilst every statistic felt like weapons thrown in my face making fear set in….when, I came across your deeply inspirational words…..
I am generally such a positive person also, I believe in miracles … I face going through another round of treatment possibly quite soon…
I try to rest in the knowledge that if it is outside of God’s will then it will not come to pass, however if it is in God’s will ……THEN NOTHING SHALL STOP HIM
Enjoy the great gift of your boy, so truly delighted for you
Me ….Scared girl… however standing as a warrior
Thank you
Hi Emily,
Oh my…your words have really touched my heart and I’m so sorry that your last cycle didn’t work for you. I too believe that God has a plan for all of us and I will keep you in my prayers, to stay strong in the face of fear and that your hopes of another baby will be realized. I’m happy that my story was able to reach you and offer a little inspiration That means the world to me, honestly. You are a fellow warrior! I would love to hear from you again as you continue your journey, feel free to reach out to me any time. Xo
Dear Kelly,
I am so grateful you wrote your brave story, so so happy your dream came true, thank you for every single word!
I wish you and your family wholeheartedly all the very best!
Warm geetings from accross the globe
Thank you! <3