Be prepared with a handy Mom and baby hospital bag checklist, plus free PDF. Here’s what you need to pack for labor and delivery, (and WHEN to pack it).
When it comes to what to bring with you on delivery day, it’s best to be prepared ahead of time. A basic pregnancy bag list for mom and baby will make it easy on you and give you one less thing to think about on the big day. Just print out this hospital bag checklist PDF and you’ll be good to go.

How many weeks pregnant should you pack your hospital bag?
It’s best to have your hospital bag packed by around 32-35 weeks so it will be ready in case you go early. You can always fine-tune it later if you feel the need. This is where the list comes in very handy. As soon as you pack it in the bag for good, check it off!
Some of the things you won’t pack right away, like your pillow, makeup, your phone, chargers, etc. Anything you are still using daily can wait until later, but I know you have the common sense to figure that out!
I guess for me, I’m just a list person, and I rarely use the notes feature on my phone. I prefer written lists so I may be old school in that way. Wall calendars and notes on the fridge are still my m.o. But anyway, I digress.
Basically, if you’re anything like me and like seeing a checklist in writing, this handy pdf may help when it comes to getting your hospital bag packed. Believe me, when you go into labor, you don’t want to be scurrying around throwing random things in a bag. Or worse yet, forgetting things. Pregnancy/Mommy brain is a real thing!
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Scroll to bottom to snag the hospital bag checklist pdf!

1. Slippers/Socks
You don’t want to be walking around the hospital barefoot for obvious reasons. Personally, I can’t stand having cold feet and the air conditioning may be blasting if it’s hot outside. Or maybe you have “lucky socks”, in which case you definitely will need to pack them. They can get messy though, so bear in mind that you may have to throw them out later.
2. Your Own Pillow
There’s just something about sleeping on your own pillow. Even if you’re only there one or two nights it’s worth it to bring it. The hospital pillows are usually pretty thin and not the most comfortable. If you are planning on breastfeeding, bring your nursing pillow too.
3. Robe/Nightgown
Whatever you’ll be comfortable in after the delivery. Once you finally get to shower afterward, you’ll be so happy to slip into something comfortable and cute. Pack a robe or nightgown that you feel good in! There are some really adorable matching robe and swaddle sets for mommy and baby!
As far as what you wear DURING labor, you’ll be in a backless hospital gown which is going to get messy. If you prefer to wear your own nightgown, remember you may have to part with it afterward because of staining.
4. Nursing Bra
There are a wide variety of nursing bras to choose from. I wore a super stretchy maternity sleep bra like this one the whole time I was at the hospital. It is soft and comfy and I loved the criss-cross front with no straps to fiddle with. You might also choose a comfortable sports bra that you already own.
5. Old Underwear
Think grannie panties. Think dark-colored like black or navy. Remember, you may or may not be bringing these home depending on the staining, so if you have some older pairs that you won’t mind throwing away before you come home, choose those. Remember to bring a couple of large Ziplock bags to bring home anything soiled that you do want to salvage.
6. Shower Sandals/ Flip-flops
For that oh so welcome first shower you get to have after the baby is born. Not to get too gross but, it can be a little (or a lot) messy so having on a pair of flip-flops or anti-slip shower sandals is pretty dang important. Choose something that has a decent grip to prevent you from slipping and falling.
7. Hair Ties/ Headbands
Having a baby is a workout so however you would normally wear your hair to run a marathon or an hour-long kickboxing session, ya, do that. You will not have the patience for hair flying in your face during labor. Bring extra just in case. These spiral hair ties are the bomb and won’t give you that awful ponytail headache.
8. Lip Balm
DON’T FORGET THE LIP BALM! I don’t know why but hospital air is very dry and the last thing you want is dry, chapped, or cracked lips. You might already be that girl who carries a lip balm everywhere anyway, but grab a few extras. Keep one right on your bedside hospital table.
9. Black Yoga/ Lounge Pants
Bring the most comfortable ones you own. I actually didn’t know if I would wear these after or if I’d prefer my robe but when it came time, I went with the yoga pants.
Let’s just say while wearing the giant disposable underwear the hospital provided, and then the giant maxipads after, the yoga pants just made me feel a little more like everything was staying where it was supposed to.
Black, of course, will help hide any leaks that may spring those first few days postpartum and will wash up nicely. Something stretchy with a high foldable waistband like these yoga lounge pants are ideal too.
10. Going Home Outfit
Something comfy. Whatever your version of that may be, a flowy sundress, cute sweats, or yoga pants. You do you. Just be comfortable.
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11. Makeup
I’m not talking a full face here (although some ladies will want to) but whatever you think you’ll need to feel a bit more human. A little bit of foundation or powder, cc cream, mascara, lip gloss.
If you’re not a big makeup girl, skip this one altogether. I thought it was nice to throw on a little bit of a face the second day for those first few family photos.
12. Basic Toiletries
Just the basics, whatever you need to feel fresh again, especially after that first shower. Deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, small shampoo and conditioner. Maybe a travel-sized mouthwash, hand lotion or dry shampoo. The hospital will have some supplies but you may prefer to have your own brands.
13. Copy Of Your Birth Plan
It’s important to have a simple birth plan ready to go before the big day. Make a copy and stick it in your hospital bag as soon as you can. I printed out a few copies just in case it got lost in the shuffle.
14. Health Card/I.D. Hospital Paperwork
Depending on where you live this will vary. You should be able to pre-register with your hospital or birthing centre. Bring any documents related to your health care provider or private insurance. Where we live, we just have to bring our provincial-issued health card.
15. Nursing Pads
Bring a small box of disposable nursing pads just in case. Your milk might not come in for a few days but everyone is different.
16. Maxi Pads/ Disposable Underwear
The hospital will normally provide pads but you may want to bring a couple just in case.
I brought a couple of pairs of disposable postpartum underwear and I found them pretty reassuring to wear. I know glamorous right? But with vaginal delivery and the after-effects, you’ll want comfort and protection over glamor. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about!
Your body just did the most incredible thing ever, so remember to show yourself some postpartum body love!
17. Padsicles
These things are absolute LIFESAVERS and if you’ve never heard of padsicles, you’re going to want to. You will need to bring a small cooler or cooler bag with ice to keep them cold. Watch this 3-minute video below to learn how to make them. Padsicles are a MUST-HAVE postpartum.
18. Snacks
You can always get stuff from the vending machine but if there are certain things you and your partner like, bring them. You may or may not feel like eating (I didn’t), but best to be prepared.
19. Big Water Bottle w/Straw
Bring your favorite jumbo drinking bottle to fill with water and ice. Gatorade is another good option for staying hydrated.
20. Electronics
Phones, iPad, iPod, noise-canceling headphones, camera, and don’t forget the CHARGERS. Whichever of these devices are your go-to’s, you’ll need to add them to your hospital bag checklist. You’ll want to make sure you have a full charge to keep family updated and to take lots of pictures of your new little bundle!
21. Books/Magazines/Playing Cards
These are optional but if you like to pass the time with these things they can come in handy. Depending on how things go with your labor, you and your partner may have some downtime to fill.
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22. Onesies (5-6)
Bring a few newborn and a few size 1 baby onesies just to be safe. We brought 6 altogether since they’re so small they didn’t take up a ton of room in the bag.
23. Baby Socks/Hat
Our hospital provides a little hand-knit cap, made by hospital volunteers for every baby and yours may too. But bring one just in case you need it, as well as a tiny pair of newborn socks to keep the little piggies warm.
24. Approved Infant Car Seat
They won’t let you leave the hospital without one. Obviously, it doesn’t go IN your bag but is still one of the most important things on the checklist. Be sure to have the base properly installed and learn all the ins and outs of strapping in your baby for safety.
25. Receiving Blankets
Bring some extra receiving blankets because they come in very handy for extra side padding in the car seat, especially if your baby is on the smaller side.
You don’t necessarily need the extras in your bag but keep them in the car and have your partner bring them up to you when you are getting ready to come home. We brought 6.
26. Comfy Baby Blanket
Bring one soft, plush baby blanket to cover the baby in the car seat for the trip home.
27. Going Home Outfit For Baby
You’ll need to bring just a few articles of baby clothes to the hospital. We kept it simple and chose an adorable little short set with baby sharks on it and now it’s in my son’s keepsake box.
Have the season in mind too. It was 95 degrees in the shade the week our son was born so there was no need for a full-on outfit, jacket, etc. A simple little dress, cute PJ sleeper, or t-shirt and shorts…whatever you like!
28. Diapers & Wipes
Do I need to bring diapers and wipes to the hospital? The hospital or birthing centre will provide these so this one is optional. If there is a certain brand of diaper you prefer, for example, you could bring just a few newborn or size 1 and a small package of unscented baby wipes.
So that’s it! An easy pregnancy bag checklist for Mom and baby, something to help you get organized and feel put together when mommy brain kicks in. Good luck with everything and I wish you all the best with your birth experience!
Until next time, K.

Kelly is the founder and creative force behind Just Our View From Here. As a first-time mom over 40, she brings a fresh perspective to parenting and family life on her blog. Kelly also explores a wide range of lifestyle topics in her writing, including fashion, beauty, self-care, and well-being.
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