What Do You Say To Someone Going Through IVF?
If you have a friend going through IVF, of course you want to be caring, supportive, and respectful. You really want to send her a good luck message on the big day of her transfer, test, or procedure right? But maybe you’re just not sure what to say! What type of good luck messages are appropriate for IVF?
After all, if you’ve never dealt with infertility or waded through the world of assisted reproduction yourself, it may all seem pretty foreign to you. Perhaps you feel awkward asking about it.
But please don’t let that deter you from reaching out! Say something.
You want to send thoughtful positive vibes to your friend but maybe you’re nervous about overstepping or sounding too “jokey”. Here are some examples of simple, lighthearted good luck messages for IVF you can use. You can send a cute greeting card, letter, or even an email or text to show support. It is such an easy way to show her some love and wish her good luck!

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If you’re really unsure about what to say, just keep it simple. You know your friend best so read her cues and go from there!
Maybe she’s a tough girl, super sarcastic, or uses humor as a coping mechanism. Personally, I always found keeping a sense of “haha” during our IVF journey helpful. Contrarily, maybe she’s more on the serious side, emotional, and sensitive. Also, consider the fact that her IVF medications could be seriously messing with her hormones. So, she could be more emotional or moody than normal.
IVF Can Be Isolating~ Let Your Friend Know You Are In Their Corner!
Sometimes when couples are going through IVF we are reluctant to talk about it, we may feel ashamed or stigmatized. But a lot of us do appreciate it when people are curious, happy, and excited right along with us. We love it when friends lend an ear and show a genuine interest in hearing our story without judgment.
And we especially love getting positive vibes!
PS: At the bottom of the page you’ll find a cheat sheet of acronyms and phrases commonly used in the infertility, IVF, TTC (trying to conceive) World to help you out.
So, let’s dive in! Here are some good luck messages for IVF that you can quickly and easily send to your friend while she is on her fertility journey.
Good luck on your IUI! I have everything crossed for you. Let us know how it goes….we’ll be thinking about you.
Thinking of you and hope this is the one!
I hope that all goes well with your procedure. Good Luck and let me know if you need anything!
I’m so hoping you get good news today!
Best of luck at your transfer today my friend! I’m rooting for you!
Good luck today at your ET! I hope those embies are ready to snuggle in for a long ride!
You are a true inspiration and a warrior! Stay positive!
Good luck with tomorrow’s beta!
I hope you get some good news at your follie check today. Good luck!
Snuggle in embies!
Sending you tons of sticky vibes for your FET!! Good luck!
Good luck with your ER tomorrow! Can’t wait for your update!
Good luck with today’s ultrasound. I’m really hoping that your little fighter is still fighting the good fight. fingers, toes, eyes all crossed for some good news!
Good luck with your beta! I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you!
Good luck at your IUI this morning! Praying for some Olympic swimmers for you!
Sending you some baby dust today! I hope this is the one for you!!
Cheers to a flawless transfer today! (I’ll have a drink for you. lol)
I’m praying that this is your cycle! (((hugs)))
I’m sending you tons of big beta vibes for today! Good luck!
Good luck at your FET today! Time to bring those little snowflakes home…. for a good 9 months!!
Good luck today at your 2nd beta! I hope that you get great numbers!
Here’s hoping the 3rd time’s a charm! Good luck today!
Remember, I’m here for you if you need me!
Pick and choose any of these phrases and add a personal spin on them for your friend as you know her best. Any of them can be used as a quick little good luck message during IVF. It will be welcomed with an open heart, just knowing you are thinking of her will lift her spirits and help to keep her in a positive state of mind.
If you are really tuned in to your friend, it’s a great idea to show an interest and learn a bit about what type of tests or procedures she is having.
Educating yourself on the different phrases and abbreviations we use during our fertility journeys is an easy way to show simple kindness. It also makes sending a good luck message for IVF a breeze!
5 Things I learned Going Through IVF
Getting Pregnant Through IVF at 46
Here’s a little cheat sheet to help you understand what your friend is talking about in case it sounds like a foreign language to you.
Common IVF Abbreviations, Slang, and Phrases
- RE: Reproductive Endocrinologist (an OB-GYN who is also a trained expert in IVF)
- IVF: Invitro Fertilization
- LAP: Laparoscopic Surgery usually checking the uterus for abnormalities and cohesions, or endo that may be preventing the embryo from implanting
- ENDO: Endometriosis
- IUI: Intrauterine Insemination
- Turkey Baster: Catheter used to insert the sperm sample during an IUI
- TTC: Trying To Conceive
- Swimmers: Sperm
- Olympic Swimmers: Really healthy sperm, high quality and fast mobility
- U/S: Ultrasound
- ER: Egg Retrieval
- ET: Egg Transfer/Embryo Transfer
- FET: Frozen Embryo Transfer
- Snowflakes/Snowflake Babies: Embryos stored in freezer
- DE: Donor Eggs/Embryos
- Follies: Follicles
- Embies: Embryos
- Blast: Blastocyst (hatching embryo)
- Snuggle in (Embies): Refers to the embryos implanting successfully
- Baby Dust: A good luck term. Commonly used to send good vibes and positivity or to say good luck in TTC forums. eg. “Sending you lots of baby dust!” or “Sprinkling Baby Dust everywhere!”
- Sticky Vibes: Another good luck term, hoping the embryo implants (sticks)
- PUPO: Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise. What she is the moment after transfer is complete. eg. “Congrats! Your are PUPO!”
- BFP: Big Fat Positive (positive pregnancy test)
- BFN: Big Fat Negative
- Pee Sticks: Home Pregnancy Test (HPT)
- POAS: Pee On A Stick (take a HPT)
- FRER: First Response Early Response Pregnancy Test
- Beta: Blood test performed at Dr.’s office to determine pregnancy
- Beta Numbers: Proof of pregnancy is in a high number, anything over 25 is considered a positive
- TTW: Two Week Wait between having IVF transfer and blood pregnancy test at the Dr.s office)
- WTF Appointment: Follow-up appointment with RE after a failed IVF cycle to talk about what happened, why it failed, and possibly explore different approaches moving forward.
IVF Over 40 Success Story: Beating The Odds
What Is A Good Gift For Someone Going Through IVF?
Maybe along with your good luck message, you would like to get a small gift for your friend during her IVF treatment. Fertility affirmations cards or a simple IVF Journal/Diary for her to write about her fertility journey are great choices.
A Word On What NOT To Say To Someone Going Through IVF
Now that you have an idea of what kind of good luck messages to send to your friend going through IVF or infertility, you also might want to know what NOT to say.
And believe me, there are definitely some things that you should avoid. For example, “Spend the day with my kids, you will change your mind!” or “You can always just adopt.” (That one is the worst). Please don’t say either of those, as well-intended as they may be, they really aren’t helpful. Here’s a great little read with more advice on what to say and what not to say to someone going through treatment.
Be kind, show empathy, and speak from the heart. Really put yourself in that person’s shoes and think about what you would find supportive and thoughtful. Use any of the messages above as suggestions and then personalize them however you think feels right… Your friend will remember your kindness long after the fact.
Until next time, K.

Kelly is the founder and creative force behind Just Our View From Here. As a first-time mom over 40, she brings a fresh perspective to parenting and family life on her blog. Kelly also explores a wide range of lifestyle topics in her writing, including fashion, beauty, self-care, and well-being.
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