School’s almost out and you may be wondering how you are going to keep your kids entertained all summer. Why not make them a summer bucket list?
Whether it’s an outdoor scavenger hunt or a card game in the treehouse with Dad, it’s a good idea to have lots of options for summer fun at your fingertips. Here is a summer bucket list for kids (and the whole family too actually) filled with loads of enjoyable and affordable activities to keep kids happy!
This list is geared towards younger kids (not teens) but honestly, you know your kids best and any of the activities could be fun for all ages that want to participate. Anyone who is a kid at heart will have fun with this list but in general, let’s call it a summer bucket list for ages 3-11.
You can either create your bucket list on a piece of bristol board or grab our free printable at the bottom of the page.

If you have ever said to yourself, how do I keep my child entertained all summer, think of this list as your roadmap. Mix and match the ideas on our kids’ summer bucket list or add your own ideas geared to where you live! There are so many fun, kid-friendly backyard activities you can do on a budget.
It’s an excellent way to keep your kids engaged and amused throughout the summer break.
And, no need to break the bank!
Think simple, fun, memory-making summer bucket list ideas for kids. I’m not talking about going to Disney or anything else that costs beaucoup bucks. You can have a lot of family fun by keeping things simple.
After all, some of life’s greatest moments are the ones that come absolutely free of charge.
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45 Summer Activities For Kids Bucket List
Keep your kids busy at home (or close to home) this summer with these fun ideas!
Some are backyard activities for toddlers and preschoolers, while others are more suitable for older kids. but the one thing they all have in common is family fun!
Make a Lemonade Stand
Make fresh-squeezed lemonade or mix from a powder, slice up some fresh lemons for garnish, and set up on a shady part of the sidewalk. As a bonus, this is a great way to teach your little ones a bit about counting and currency.
Water Balloon Toss
On a nice hot day, nobody minds getting drenched with a water balloon, even Mom or Dad! Refreshing! And of course, kids get a hoot out of seeing mom or dad getting soaked.
Picnic In The Park
Pack up a cooler, picnic basket, and a big blanket and head to your local park for a little dining al fresco. Watch out for ants!
Go Camping or Camp Out In The Backyard
Our family loves camping but even if you aren’t really into it, you could set up a little tent in the backyard for an outdoor sleepover. The best thing about backyard camping is the bathrooms are always nearby!
Catch Fireflies
We loved catching fireflies (or lightning bugs as they are called in some parts) when we were kids. Of course it’s all catch and release.
Paint Rocks or Garden Stones
Paint some pretty patterns or upbeat messages on smooth stones. Place them in your garden or give as gifts to friends or family. Be sure to use craft enamel paints so the paint doesn’t wash away. There are actually rock painting kits now that include everything you need for this craft including cute stickers.
Outdoor Fingerpainting
We use a kids outdoor easel with a large roll of paper for our version of a local event called Art in the Park. I would love my son to stick with brushes but he loves the messiness of finger-painting so…outside is best for this family.
Make Handprint/Footprint Art
As above, this is great to do outdoors as you can hose off any paint spills or splatters. Stick with kids’ washable or tempera paints for easier clean-up.
Things brings me back to my youth! Grab your sidewalk chalk and a couple of rocks for markers. A round of hopscotch is a great physical activity that works on balance, coordination, and of course, hopping skills! Little ones may want to make up their own counting game with the number blocks.
Write Kind Messages on a Sidewalk with Chalk
While you have the sidewalk chalk handy, print a few kind words on the sidewalk for future passers-by. “You are Beautiful”, “Have a Nice Day” or even a simple “Smile!” could brighten someone’s day.

Nature Walk Scavenger Hunt
If you have a local nature trail nearby, why not take a little hike? Grab a pair of binoculars, a scavenger hunt list (there are tons on Pinterest), spray on some bug spray and get out into nature.
Go For Ice Cream
A frosty ice cream cone, Slushie or Sno-cone always hits the spot on a hot summer day.
Make Popsicles
Make your own popsicles with fruit juice and fresh fruit. These popsicle molds work great but you could even use an ice cube tray and toothpicks in a pinch.
Outdoor Family Game Night
A family game tournament with games like ladderball, horeshoes, bean bag toss, or outdoor Yahtzee is sure to bring a lot of laughs, especially if there’s a good-natured competitive streak in any of your kids.
Have a Campfire and Make S’mores
If you have a backyard area for a fire pit, this is always a fun thing to do. Sit around a campfire, make s’mores, bbq hotdogs or hobo pies.
Tell Scary Stories
Of course, scary stories around a campfire are always entertaining. Younger kids might not like the scary part however so adjust your tales accordingly.
Go For A Bike Ride
We are looking forward to this one this year as our son is just getting into bike riding. Bike riding is an awesome summer activity for families to do together and keep fit!
Play Jump Rope
Good old-fashioned fun with a skipping rope and if you’re really ambitious, you can learn to do double-dutch.
Jump on a Trampoline
There’s something about jumping on a trampoline that most kids just love. I can’t say as I blame them, it is pretty fun. If it’s not something you have in your backyard, maybe there is an indoor facility near you. They are usually very reasonable in price to attend.
Play Tag/Flashlight Tag
Kids with energy to burn can be tired out with a rousing game of tag. We used to play freeze tag for hours on end when I was little.
25+ Rainy Day Activities For Toddlers & Preschoolers To Keep Them Happy & Entertained!
Ride a Scooter/Skateboard
Again, something you may or may not have access to but maybe something your child would like to try. Maybe they have a friend who would be willing to share.
Go Goofy Golfing
Mini-golf is a family friendly summer bucket list idea that is fun and affordable. A lot cheaper than actual golf, that’s for sure.
Go To the Beach
Don’t forget the sunscreen and the water wings! Get down and dirty with some sand-castle building too!
Swim in a Lake
If there’s a fresh-water lake near you, add this one to your kids summer bucket list. A refreshing dip in a cool, crystal-clear lake can’t be beat in the sweltering heat of July.
Go To a Splashpad
Little ones especially will love the splashpad. I wish these would have been around when I was a kid!
Go to a New Playground
Head to a different part of town and check out a new playground. Another great, free activity and a change of scenery can make things more exciting for kids.
Watch a Sunrise/Sunset
If you can find a good spot to take in a sunrise or sunset, it really is one of life’s greatest simple pleasures. if you live on the coast, this is probably nothing new for you but some of us have to search for that perfect spot on the horizon.
Go for a Boat Ride
A boat ride can be a ton of fun, it can be a wild and exciting ride or a mellow river cruise. Search near you for waterway activities, canoe rentals, paddleboats, or paddle-boarding. Always remember, lifejackets and safety first!
Climb a Tree
Simple and free. Nature lovers know this is something every summer bucket list for kids needs to include.
Blow Bubbles
Little kids love bubbles. They actually go crazy for bubbles. But even older kids will love those oversized, ginormous bubble blowers they have now.
Swing in a Tree Swing
A good old tire swing can be a blast, and now they have these really cool tree swings that won’t get you full of rubber marks and fit more than one kid at a time.
Skip Stones
Every county kid knows this is an essential childhood skill to hone. I never really got too good at it myself but it’s fun to try. Find a calm pond and try skipping stones.
Summer Reading List/Summer Journal
Have your child make a summer reading list or write in a summer journal. Perhaps kick off a summer reading challenge for them, or a read-a-thon challenge with siblings, cousins, or friends. And remember, it’s never too early to start raising a reader!
Best Read-Aloud Books for 2-3 Year Olds
Make an Obstacle Course
Set up various items and obstacles in your backyard and get out your stopwatch.
Visit a Farm
Visit a local farm or petting zoo. Even the littlest animal lovers will be happy to check this off of their summer bucket list.
Go to an Orchard
Where we live, this would be more of a late summer activity (apple picking) but think of what produce is local to you.
Visit a Garden Center
A visit to your local garden center can be a lot of fun. Have your kids help pick out flowers to plant, hanging baskets, or potted palm trees.
Plant Flowers or a Vegetable Garden
Start with seeds in small containers and watch them grow. Or if you have less of a green thumb, buy small starter plants and get digging. Your kids will get to see their vegetables grow from seed to table.
Take a Road Trip
Pack up the car and take a little road trip. Don’t forget the tunes! Even if it’s only a day trip, this is a great thing for any family bucket list.
Road Trip With a Toddler Survival Guide
Attend an Outdoor Concert
Check your local community events calender for summer outdoor concert listings. Even if you and your kids’ tastes in music differ, it’s important for everyone to keep an open mind.
Watch A Fireworks Display
Whether it’s the 4th of July weekend, Canada Day, or whatever holiday you celebrate where you live, a fireworks show is always a great time.
Play Hide and Go Seek Outdoors
Another classic game, fun for all ages. We grew up in a simple time where we would play hide and seek outside in our backyards until the streetlights came on so this one is a bit nostalgic for me.
Play in a Tree Fort
Some of my fondest memories are hiding out in the tree house that my dad built for us. If you are ambitious enough, grab some lumber and get building!
Play Soccer/Baseball
Substitute any sport here. It could be basketball, volleyball, road hockey, or even kick-the-can! Sports are a great way for kids of any age to burn energy, keep fit, and learn about teamwork.
Do a Summer Science Experiment
How about an outdoor volcano with baking soda or vinegar, or a pop bottle geyser experiment? Messy outdoor fun (and sneaky learning) for your little scientists.
Try a New Summertime Food
Make grilled Mexican corn on the cob (elotes), a unique fresh summer salad (maybe with something they grew in their own garden!), or a new smoothie recipe. Make it a point to try a new food. Picky eaters (ie. little kids like mine) may need to be coaxed to put this on their summer bucket list.
Wrapping Up
I hope you find some of these summer activities for kids are a perfect fit for your kids bucket list! Pick and choose the ones you like and add your own. There are so many things to do during summer break to keep your kids from being bored. Doing a family bucket list keeps everyone involved and looking forward to the next fun-filled adventure.
Have an amazing, fun-filled summer and make lots of memories!
Peace, Kelly

Kelly is the founder and creative force behind Just Our View From Here. As a first-time mom over 40, she brings a fresh perspective to parenting and family life on her blog. Kelly also explores a wide range of lifestyle topics in her writing, including fashion, beauty, self-care, and well-being.
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