Grounding Oils For Meditation And Centering

woman in lotus position sitting on grass

Looking For Some Great Essential Grounding Oils To Try? The world of essential oils is filled with amazing aromas. And every single oil has unique properties serving different purposes. Many benefits are physical, while others are mental, emotional, and spiritual. When it comes to grounding oils for earthing meditation or your connective yoga practice, having … Read more

IVF Positive Affirmations And Visualizations

writing positive affirmations and using visualizations for IVF

I write this post from a place of love, light, and wholehearted encouragement for all my fellow IVF warriors out there as you follow your dreams of motherhood. I truly believe that positive affirmations and visualizations can help you to stay calm, focused, and manifest the desired outcome of your IVF treatment. Infertility sucks. And … Read more

6 Types Of Self-Care Beyond The Bubble Bath

6 types of sel-care beyond the bubble bath

What do you think of when you hear the word self-care? Pampering yourself by getting a manicure, pedicure, soaking in a nice hot bubble bath with some candles lit and soothing music? Heck ya. I’m in for all that and it’s something a lot of us don’t do for ourselves often enough. But there are … Read more

Let Go Of Mom Guilt: You Are Mom Enough

let go of mom guilt: you are mom enough

Ah, motherhood. The joys, the experience, the responsibility…the mom guilt. From the moment the doctor places that tiny bundle in your arms, everything changes including how you view yourself. This tiny, precious baby is relying on you for absolutely everything 24/7 and it is perfectly natural for you to feel overwhelmed and to strive to … Read more

The Absolute Best Essential Oils For Calming And Relaxation

essential oils for relaxation and calming

We could all use a little more relaxation in our lives right? The absolute best essential oils for relaxation and calming can be diffused or applied topically. Try lavender, frankincense, sandalwood, and many more wonderful, aromatic oils to promote tranquility and de-stress. 10 Essential Oils for Relaxation, Calming & Stress Relief Some of my blog … Read more

When Breastfeeding Is Hard- It Didn’t Work For Me And I’m OK With That

newborn baby lips and nose, breastfeeding baby

Breastfeeding Can Be A Challenge For Some Moms Breast is best right? Mother Nature at her finest, concocting a brew of essential nutrients that will be perfect for your newborn to ensure that he or she thrives! It’s free! It’s easy! Just pop the boob in and you’re good to go, a portable feast for … Read more