What do you think of when you hear the word self-care? Pampering yourself by getting a manicure, pedicure, soaking in a nice hot bubble bath with some candles lit and soothing music? Heck ya. I’m in for all that and it’s something a lot of us don’t do for ourselves often enough. But there are actually many types of self-care that we all need to attend to as we navigate thing called life.
They all work in sync to help you to be the best version of yourself and they all matter. Taking good care of ourselves goes beyond that bubble bath. And as lovely and soothing and IMPORTANT as that one is, there’s much more to it.

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Finding a balance between our hectic, busy lives and nurturing ourselves can be challenging, but it’s worth it.
We tend to put ourselves on the back burner a lot of the time, don’t we?
I know I’m guilty of it, especially since I became a mom. Moms are so busy taking care of everyone and everything else that occasionally they forget to look out for number one.
Just think about how we sometimes end a conversation with someone. We say “Take care” right? Or they say it to us. Is it just something we say? I think it’s high time to start taking that advice more seriously.
So let’s dive in and find out how we can use all the types of self-care to tend to ourselves so we can take better care of others. Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup.
If you just begin with baby steps, you’ll soon reap some amazing rewards. And as you begin to nurture your mind, body and soul, you’ll start to realize how much better you will feel inside and out.
When you have that sense of self-fulfillment, it’s actually incredibly easy to give more to others, which in turn fulfills you even more. It creates a beautiful ripple effect.
In fact, devoting just small amounts of time to self-care each day can boost your energy, mood, motivation and productivity.
What Are The 6 Types of Self-Care?
You only get one vessel to sail through this life with, so you might as well take good care of it.
If you focus on the basics of eating well, drinking lots of water, exercising, and getting enough sleep, then the other types of self-care will fall into place a little easier.
Sleep is huge because without enough of it, your energy and motivation will be low and you won’t have the stamina required to meet your other needs. I aim for 7-8 hours a night and that seems to keep me on an even keel.
Moms know about the challenges of getting enough sleep and how it can wreak havoc on your sleep patterns, especially in the early days of breastfeeding, sleep training, potty training, and night wakings from bad dreams.
So have a little power nap on the days you need one. Honestly, as little as 20-30 minutes can recharge your batteries.
One of the best tips for new moms that we don’t always follow is to sleep when the baby sleeps. Yes, you have a million things to do with that free time, but sometimes you just need to rest.
Physical Self-Care Ideas
- Eat a diet rich in healthy foods: veggies, fruits, legumes, lean proteins.
- Limit junk food.
- Drink a ton of water: Start with a huge glass as soon as you wake up and one right before bed as well.
- Take your multivitamin, maybe add in vitamin C, D, E or a B complex.
- Try a greens drink ( I like one made with Moringa powder) every morning, I find that really gives me a great boost.
- Get moving. You don’t have to be a gym fanatic or a marathon runner, start with a walk around the block, try simple stretching, or learn yoga.
- Get enough sleep, take power naps to recharge when needed.
Care for your emotional and mental well-being by recognizing your emotions and actually let yourself feel what you are feeling! Don’t suppress your emotions, but instead embrace them and move forward.
And know that it is just a feeling, it does not define you. For example, instead of saying “I am sad”, instead say “I am feeling sad”. Big difference, because feelings will come and go, and riding the wave is a part of letting yourself feel. Emotions in and of themselves are not either good or bad.
Take grief. It’s a process and we all go through it differently, and yes, it sucks. Believe me, I’ve had my share of loss. But in order to care for yourself emotionally, you have to deal with it as it comes. I’m not saying grief is something you “get over”. Absolutely not. On the contrary, it will become an intrinsic part of who you are as you grow through it and you may find it comes in waves.
But on the bright side, it may eventually put you in a place where you appreciate more the preciousness of life and how fleeting it is.
And when you are happy, let yourself feel that too. Laugh until your stomach hurts, until you cry or pee your pants a little. Really allow that joy to get deep down inside you.
Always do your best not to suppress your feelings or hold on to grudges. And just be kind to yourself, a kind as you would be to a friend. Give yourself grace.
Emotional Self-Care Ideas
- Recognize your moods and feel your feelings.
- Tame your inner critic and cut yourself some slack.
- Be optimistic and focus on the positive.
- Start a gratitude journal.
- Try daily affirmations, find some uplifting quotes you like, and write or print them on a piece of paper. Put them up somewhere in your house where you will see them every day.
- Work on self-love and forgive yourself, remind yourself that no one is perfect.
- Let go of “mom guilt“.
- Work through grief.
- Let go of resentment.
- Talk it out. Whether it be with a family member, friend, pastor or licensed professional. If you feel you need to talk to someone because you are feeling anxious, do it! It always feels better to get it off your chest.
Perhaps you’re thinking that this is one of the types of self-care that doesn’t apply to you because you don’t go to church. Not true, actually.
You don’t necessarily need to be a member of organized religion to work on spiritual self-care. It can be practiced by everyone, whether you believe in God, the Universe, or are agnostic or atheist.
Really, a lot of it has to do with self-reflection and getting in touch with your values and what really matters to you.
Whatever works for you, just keep an open mind and give it a try. You might be surprised by the results.
For example, meditation and yoga work great for some people to focus inward. Others may take a quiet walk in nature without distraction from technology, social media, and the like to clear their minds. This is especially helpful in the evening. Avoiding screen time right before bed is an excellent way to get improve sleep and stay mindful.
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Spiritual Self-Care Ideas
- Prayer or reading scripture.
- Attending your chosen place of worship.
- Meditation or quiet self-reflection, looking inward.
- Assess your values and belief system, act in kind.
- Practice forgiveness, kindness, and empathy.
- Get out in nature, take a quiet walk to clear your mind and get in touch with yourself.
- Practice mindfulness, live more simply.
- Write in a journal.

This is one of those types of self-care that everyone can do easily! Just choose what you’d like to know more about and go for it. Open your mind to the possibilities and get your grey matter moving.
Expanding your knowledge and skills is simply one of the best ways to grow as a person and develop creativity. I’m a firm believer that personal growth happens outside of your comfort zone.
So don’t believe that old saying that goes, “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks”. Truth be told, it’s never too late to learn something new.
Intellectual Self-Care Ideas
- Read, read, and read some more.
- Read books of all different genres; classic literature, poetry, fiction, non-fiction, and autobiographies. I’m currently reading The Winters by Canadian author Lisa Gabriele. Fantastic!
- Pursue intellectual challenges, learn a new skill or language.
- Listen to audiobooks, Ted talks, masterclasses or podcasts.
- Watch documentaries and nature programs.
- Do puzzles, crosswords, sudoku.
- Work with your hands by doing crafts or working on something mechanical.
- See a live show, a play (think Shakespeare, my fave), or orchestra performance.
- Go to a museum.
- Travel to a far off land, visit a new city.
- Learn about different cultures, history, mythology, ancient cultures. Yes, read some more.
Social self-care is all about caring for and nurturing your relationships.
Stay in touch with the people you love, friends, and family. It doesn’t have to be a huge social gathering but just a way of keeping in touch. Sure, we are all busy and have our own lives and never-ending to-do lists but it’s truly important to carve out time to spend with those you love.
Nowadays, it doesn’t even have to be face-to-face but with the convenience of the internet, most of us can connect digitally.
We started a family group chat during Covid so we could keep in touch easily with the whole fam, and we still use it all the time. Sending lots of funny pics, memes, and videos, and sharing what projects we’re up to that day is a fun and easy way to stay close.
Social Self-Care Ideas
- Keep in touch with loved ones, (especially your mom and dad!) with a call or text. Start a family group chat, and keep it light and silly.
- Video chat with Messenger, Skype, or Zoom.
- Get together for coffee, lunch, or a cocktail with girlfriends.
- Have a family Sunday brunch.
- Family trivia or game night with extended family.
- Be neighbourly with your neighbours.
- Have a block party or yard sale.
- Invite friends over for a bonfire.
- Get active in your community, or join a club or group with like-minded interests or hobbies.
- Join a league like bowling, darts, co-ed baseball, or beach volleyball.
- Sign up for a cooking class.
- Check out group exercise, yoga, sports, or swimming programs like Aquafit at your local YMCA or community centers.
- Join a local Mommy and Me program with your baby to connect with other moms.
- Do a monthly supper club or book club with a group of friends. Take turns hosting.
- Host a home party with essential oils, clothing, lingerie, Tupperware, jewelry, or makeup. We all have a friend who is a sales rep for one of these companies right? Make a fun night of it with appetizers and beverages instead of just doing it online.
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Closely related to physical self-care, but merits its own category. Think of your five senses, smell, sight, sound, taste, and touch.
Anything related to them can be considered sensory types of self-care. Tuning in to your senses and savoring the experiences you have on a sensory level can calm your state of mind, and actually give you physical benefits too by reducing stress and releasing that feel-good hormone called cortisol.
Live in the present moment and really experience the sensation you are having.
Sensory Self-Care Ideas
- Take a bubble bath. (You see, I told you I really do think they’re lovely!) Bask in the feeling of the warm water on your skin as you slowly lower into the bath. Maybe you have a jacuzzi or a hot tub, lucky you. Indulge in that!
- Add a cup of lavender Epsom salts or a few drops of essential oils to your bath.
- Not a bath person? A nice long, hot shower can do wonders too. Lather up with your favorite smelling bath and body products and finish off with a luxurious lotion or body butter.
- Cuddle up under a soft, fuzzy blanket or weighted gravity blanket.
- Diffuse your favorite relaxing essential oils.
- Light some great-smelling candles (Check out this Sandalwood and Myrrh one, it is DIVINE) or incense.
- Fire up the fireplace, watch the flames, and just listen to the crackle.
- Have your morning coffee or tea outdoors on the deck. Listen to the birds, look up at the sky.
- Sit on a covered porch and watch an approaching thunderstorm. Smell the rain, feel the breeze on your face, listen to the roll of the thunder, and watch the sky.
- Lay under a blanket of stars and gaze up.
- Take a walk in nature, smell the woodsy aroma of the earth and trees, look at the sunlight filtering through the treetops, and listen to the sounds of the forest.
- Take in a sunrise or a sunset.
- Listen to your favorite music through good noise-canceling headphones.
- Indulge in your favorite foods and take your time to savor them. Try a small square of dark chocolate with a full-bodied red wine. Sip slowly.
- Whatever you are doing, find stillness, be present, and enjoy the moment.
You see, all these types of self-care work together in harmony to help enrich your life and you really do deserve to give yourself the attention you need to thrive.
If you’re not sure where to start, just start small. It doesn’t have to be this big, overwhelming thing. I hope some of my suggestions can help you to start taking care of you, and remember self-care is NOT selfish! So, the next time someone says to you, “Take care”, you can reply, “Yes, I always do”, and mean it.
Remember, keep your cup full and you will have so much more to pour and undoubtedly more joy and positivity to share with those you love. You are so worth it.
Peace, Kelly

Kelly is the founder and creative force behind Just Our View From Here. As a first-time mom over 40, she brings a fresh perspective to parenting and family life on her blog. Kelly also explores a wide range of lifestyle topics in her writing, including fashion, beauty, self-care, and well-being.
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